What is marriage?
The man said: “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called ‘woman,’ for out of man this one has been taken.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body. (Gen 2:23-24)
Marriage, which can only be between one man and one woman, was always a part of God's plan for creation. In the sacrament of marriage, a man and a woman enter into an indissoluble union. This sacrament gives a couple special graces to faithfully love each other and bring forth life into the world, so that they and their family may receive a heavenly reward. As Catholics, we believe that the primary end of marriage is procreation and the rearing of children.
Getting Married at Saint Mary of Redford
If you’re visiting this page, you’re probably engaged and looking for a place to get married. First, congratulations! Marriage is a beautiful and noble vocation. It will be God’s mission for your life and the means by which you reach Heaven. Know of our prayers for you as you prepare for your life together.
Our policy:
-All sacraments must be made in order to be married in the Catholic church. (Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion, and Confirmation.) If you are in need of a sacrament, please let us know. We can assist with this.
-One of the couple must be an active, registered parishioner at Saint Mary of Redford for six months before marriage preparation can begin. (An ‘active’ parishioner means attending weekly Sunday mass.)
-Marriage preparation is a six month process. Six monthly prep sessions with Fr. Athanasius must be completed prior to your wedding date.
-The couple must not be co-habitating. If this is your situation, please let us know.
Fill out the inquiry form
Please complete the Marriage Inquiry Form. Once we have received the form, we will contact you by phone to schedule an initial meeting.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to get married at St. Mary of Redford?
There is a suggested donation of $500.
When do weddings typically take place?
Weddings take place on Saturdays at 11:00 am, 2:00 pm, or 4:00 pm.
Betrothal and Churching
In the rite of betrothal, the couple formalizes their engagement before God. This is different from the proposal, which may happen in whatever romantic way the husband to be may think best. However, after the proposal, the couple may come to the church and declare their intentions to be married before God.
There are three main parts of the ritual:
1) The couple joins their hands and declares their intention to marry to each other. Afterwards, the priest wraps his stole around their hands and declares them betrothed.
2) The priests blesses the engagement ring. The man then takes the ring and places it first on the index finger of the bride to be saying, "In the name of the Father," then on her middle finger saying, "and of the Son" and finally on her ring finger, where it stays, saying, "and of the Holy Spirit."
3) Finally, the couple signs a document promising to eventually marry each other. The document is signed by couple, the priest and two witnesses.
This is an old tradition in the Church. After a woman gives birth to a child, there's usually a period of time where she cannot get to church. When she is ready to come back, there is a blessing the priest offers to her as she gives thanks to God for a safe delivery and is welcomed back to the church community.
The ritual is fairly simple. The woman kneels at the threshold of the church, holding a candle. The priest meets her there and, after reciting a psalm, leads her into the church. The woman then kneels at the altar, praying in gratitude to God. Finally the priest offers a prayer for her and blesses her with Holy Water.