St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic organization of men and women who, inspired by Gospel values, minister to our neighbors in need, regardless of religion, ethnic or social background, or gender.
Through face-to-face in-home visits, SVdP seeks to understand and satisfy the material and spiritual needs of those who call upon us for help. We offer hope and the promise of a better tomorrow.
Services we provide include:
Food Assistance
Clothing and furniture assistance through a network of St. Vincent de Paul Thrift stores
Holiday Programs
DTE Utility Assistance
Free Summer Camp Program
Referrals to other organizations for needs we cannot meet
We serve people who live in the neighborhood of Saint Mary of Redford Catholic Church — between Schaefer and Evergreen and between Puritan and Fullerton.
For more information or to request assistance, please call (313) 757-0273. Leave your name, phone number, address and a message. One of our SVdP representatives will contact you within 24 hours.
Thank you to all who donate to SVdP. It is appreciated more than we can say.
Donation envelopes are located in the vestibule of the church and can be dropped in the collection baskets or mailed to the parish office.
(Please make all checks out to St. Vincent de Paul - not to Saint Mary of Redford. We are unable to use checks that are not made out to St. Vincent de Paul.)
To make an online donation, please click the the SVdP Detroit Office button below. Follow the prompts to donate online. (Our conference is the Saint Mary of Redford SVdP Conference.)
Contact Mary Anne Stella for information. 313-757-0273.