Mary’s Home

on the West Side of Detroit

“No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher.”
- Luke 6:40

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday March 3, 2025

  • Liturgy of the Word (Cycle C)

    First Reading
    Sirach 27:4-7

    Responsorial Psalm
    92:2-3, 12-14, 15-16

    Second Reading
    1 Corinthians 15:54-58


  • Gospel Reflection

    Today’s Scripture passages focus on “good fruit.”

    In the reading from the Book of Sirach, the prophet states, The fruit of a tree shows the care it has had ….

    The evangelist St. Paul, in his First Letter to the Corinthians, encourages them: … be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

    Jesus, in St. Luke’s Gospel, proclaims: A good tree does not bear rotten fruit … for every tree is known by its own fruit.

    How do we prepare, as disciples in Christ, to bear good fruit for the Kingdom? As good stewards, are we making quiet time for daily prayer and Scripture study that draws us to a closer friendship in Jesus? Are we attending Mass every weekend in order to receive the true Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Eucharist? As a result, in a spirit of evangelization, do we share our love, peace, and joy in Christ with those we encounter to help produce “good fruit” in them?

    To identify what gifts God has given you, access the St. Austin Spiritual Gifts Inventory online, at, and do a quick survey to discover your talents and gifts.


  • Prayer of the Week

    Our Father, on this solemn day of Ash Wednesday, we come before You with humbled hearts.  Guide us in repentance, that we may
    embrace the journey of Lent with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  Strengthen our faith and renew our spirits, drawing us closer to You.  In Your mercy, we seek transformation.  Amen.

  • Thoughts of the Saints

    “Lent comes providentially to
    re-awaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.”

    -Pope Francis

  • This Weekend

    Friday February 28 2025
    7:30 am Mass
    6:00 pm Karate Class

    1st Saturday March 1 2025
    8:00 am Mass (Latin High)
    8:45 am Confession

    Sunday March 2 2025
    11:00 am Mass w/Alebua Baptism
    12:00 pm Fellowship
    4:15 pm Confession
    5:00 pm Mass (Latin High)

  • Week At-A-Glance

    Monday March 3
    Parish Office Open: 1pm-5pm
    No Daily Mass or Confession

    Tuesday March 4
    Parish Office Open: 1pm-5pm
    6:00 pm Mass
    6:30 pm OITS FoP Council Mtg

    Ash Wednesday March 5
    Parish Office Open: 1pm-5pm
    11:00 am Mass
    6:00 pm Mass (Latin High)

    Thursday March 6
    Parish Office Open: 1pm-5pm
    7:30 am Mass

    Friday March 7
    Parish Office Closed
    7:30 am Mass
    6:00 pm Stations of the Cross
    6:30 pm Soup and Bread Fellowship

    Saturday March 8
    Parish Office Closed
    9:00 am Mass (Latin Novus Ordo)
    9:45 am Confession
    10:00 am SVdP Mtg
    10:00 am Men’s Group

    Sunday March 9
    Parish Office Closed
    11:00 am Mass
    12:00 pm Sunday School
    4:15 pm Confession
    5:00 pm Mass (Latin High)

  • 2025 Lent/Easter Schedule

    Ash Wednesday March 5
    11:00 am Mass
    6:00 pm Mass (Latin High)

    Stations of the Cross
    Friday March 7:   6:00 pm*
    Friday April 11:    6:00 pm*
    Friday April 18:    11:00 am
    (On Grand River)
    *Soup and Bread Meal Fellowship

    Healing Mass/Anointing of Sick
    Sunday March 16:  11:00 am Mass

    Palm Sunday:  April 13
    11:00 am Mass
    5:00 pm Mass (Latin High)

    Lenten Penance Service
    Tuesday April 15:  6:00 pm

    Holy Thursday:  April 17
    6:00 pm:  Mass of the Lord’s Supper
    7:30 pm—Midnight:  Nightwatch

    Good Friday:  April 18
    11:00 am:  Stations of the Cross
    (On Grand River)
    1:00 pm:    Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion

    Holy Saturday:  April 19
    8:00 pm:  Easter Vigil Mass

    Easter Sunday:  April 20
    11:00 am:  Easter Mass



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Donations are used for the day-to-day operation of the parish and its programs. You may set up a one-time or recurring donation to our parish. Saint Mary of Redford parish appreciates your generosity.